In first year, all students are allocated a Peer Leader and have the opportunity to attend timetabled sessions on a number of topics such as academic writing skills, exam revision techniques, finance management, housing and so much more. Peer learning offers first year students the chance to meet new people across different programmes and interact with students who have already been through their first year at university.
Peer Mentoring is a more informal continuation of this scheme and provides the opportunity for one to one support with an experienced student; a mentor, a friend.
The peer mentors within the Business School are trained, carefully selected and passionate about helping other likeminded students to really make the most of their University experiences. We are elated to be able to offer experienced students that are friendly, helpful, supporting, non-judgemental and above all else are eager to listen and help.
Have you got a question, concern or just want to speak to a friendly face confidentially?
Simply reach out to one of the Peer Mentors by Email to either ask them a question or arrange a face to face catch-up. Once you’ve spoken with or met a mentor, with your permission, they will follow up on your query, making sure you have reached a solution you are happy with.
If needed, your mentor can signpost you to the necessary person or service to help you get the support you need.
“In my first year I particularly struggled with settling down into University life and engaging with my course. Hence, a key motivation for me to be a peer leader is so that I can offer myself as a point of contact for first years if have any queries on how to adapt to University life and ways in which they could develop good studying routines.”
Click through the slideshow below to meet the Undergraduate Peer Mentors!
Have a question about Peer Mentoring?
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